Advanced IT, electronic and medical solutions


is the core solution PACS/RIS ( OrderFiller ) registered Soaviem and certified CE Medical Device in class II A for diagnostic use.

It allows to group, manage, print and distribute millions of images, data, reports and all patient information in a simple, fast and reliable way.

Scalable and modular, it allows you to choose the configuration that best suits your needs.


SigmaDicomStore, depending on the size of the healthcare facility, allows you to add optional modules for online storage and management of studies.

With SigmaDicomStore’s reliability, millions and millions of images are indexed online and made available in real time.

Viewing and Reporting

Whatever the need, SigmaDicomStore is able to satisfy it: the images contained in the archive can be viewed, processed, manipulated, compared and managed in advanced manner.

Whether locally, remotely, via web browser, or as a diagnostic reporting workstation, Viewer modules provide an appropriate solution.


Whether it is teleradiology, remote consultation or patient portal, SigmaDicomStore allows a total and complete management of the Diagnostic Imaging department even remotely.

Access to the archive can be total or partial, from web browser or thin client, necessary to view, report, print, produce media or consult: whatever the request, you can fulfill it.

Patient CD/dVD

SigmaDicomStore can manage all the production of patient CDs/DVDs: manually or through robotic systems able to burn and print printable media, individually or automatically by the diagnostic modalities, at choice or upon receipt of the report.

With more or less priority levels, from one or four simultaneous media in production to a single installation: no matter what the workload, managing it will no longer be a problem.

Patient Folder

Creating, composing, printing and managing the patient folder with SigmaDicomStore is easy.

With the manual arrangement of the images or automatic, with the choice of the latter during the writing of the report or during the execution of the examination, with the processing of individual images or the addition of specific measures, with the direct press to the reception of the report or sent at the moment: there are no needs that are not managed.


Input, control, exchange and consistency of data between the various processes and actors involved in the management of the examinations to be performed in the department are essential.

For this reason, through SigmaDicomStore it is possible to communicate with information systems, diagnostic modalities and PACS archive, ensuring the uniformity of the data exchanged and reducing the spread of errors.


Whatever happens, the backup systems will allow the full recovery of the activity.

Whether it’s Disaster&Recovery for malicious and unpredictable events or through specific media, SigmaDicomStore modules will ensure that the operation is not affected, ensuring the continuity of the work.


The information contained in this page is intended exclusively for health professionals in accordance with art. 21 of D.Lgs. 24 February 1997, n. 46 s.m.i and the Guidelines of the Ministry of Health of 17 February 2010 and subsequent update of 18 March 2013.
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